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Mostrando postagens com o rótulo King James Bible in dramaMostrar tudo
Book of the Prophet Nahum
Book of the prophet Zephaniah
Genealogy of Jesus Christ - Matthew 1
Genealogy of Jesus Christ - Matthew 2
Preaching of John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus Christ - Matthew 3
 The Temptation of Jesus Christ - Matthew 4
Jesus talks about almsgiving, prayer and fasting - Matthew 6
Righteous judgment and perseverance in prayer - Matthew 7
The Healing of a Leper - Matthew 8
The healing of a paralytic and the vocation of Matthew 9
Mission of the Twelve Apostles Matthew 10
Message from John the Baptist to Jesus - Matthew 11
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath and sin against the Holy Spirit - Matthew 12
The parable of the sower and the tares - Matthew 13
The death of John the Baptist and the multiplication of the loaves - Matthew 14
The Pharisees and the Tradition - Matthew 15