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I Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians Chapter 1-16

Objectives of the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians

The church at Corinth was founded by Paul, for which he wrote his first epistle in the year 55 BC, with the aim of resolving spiritual and material problems among the people.

With Paul's absence, problems began to arise, it was when he learned that the church in the city of Corinth was experiencing serious moral problems, disagreements over the Lord's supper, mismanagement of spiritual gifts, deviations from doctrinal principles, litigation and contention between the brothers. That is why the apostle Paul wrote the first letter to the Corinthians to try to restore union among the people, to teach them to use spiritual gifts correctly.

Objetivos da I epístola de Paulo aos Coríntios 

A igreja em Corinto, foi fundada por Paulo, para a qual escreveu sua primeira epístola no ano de 55 a.C., com o objetivo de resolver problemas espirituais e materiais entre o povo. 

Com a ausência de Paulo, os problemas começaram a surgiu, foi quando ele soube que a igreja na cidade de Corinto, estava passando por sérios problemas morais, discórdias em relação a ceia do Senhor, má administração dos dons espirituais, desvios dos princípios doutrinários, litígios e contendas entre os irmãos. Por isso o apóstolo Paulo escreveu a primeira epístola aos Coríntios para tentar restaurar a união entre o povo, ensinar eles usarem os dons espirituais de forma correta. 

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